Welcome to the Bill Stotesbuy Commissions Site
House Portraits
Trompe l'oeil
Landscapes and Countryside
Other Commissions

Individual and Unique...

Capture the character and fun of your family, friends or colleagues with personalised portraits. Pencil sketches, watercolours, acrylic – whichever suits. It is possible to work without a sitting if you wish to commission a ‘surprise’ but Bill would ideally like to meet the sitter and could work from a selection of photographs you supply. They make great gifts both personal and corporate and can usually be completed

Contact by email to bill3008@btconnect.com


These require a sitting, and a photo session. First draft completed with sitter and detail finished from photographs.

Pencil drawings, watercolours or acrylic to suit the subject and the client's preference.


Pencil, Commissioned by family.

Barb and Terry

Watercolour, Commissioned by family.


Pencil, Commissioned by family.

Lewis and George

Acrylic, A Gift to their mother.


Acrylic, Commissioned as tribute to the artist